
Beyond UX Design Podcast

🎭 To Niche or Not to Niche? That Is the Question! with Laura Baker

Published about 1 month ago • 6 min read

Design leader Laura Baker shares her insights on generalist and specialist design roles. We explore how embracing a wide skillset can open up new opportunities and help us future-proof our expertise.

Can embracing a broad skillset unlock new opportunities and help future-proof your design career?

I started out with UX in 2011. Back then, everyone was a “UX Designer.” There weren’t really a lot of specialty career paths in UX.

To be fair, I was completely self-taught and the amount of things I didn’t know was beyond what I could have ever imagined.

But I think I lucked out.

Because I did everything.

And because I did everything, I practiced and I got better… At everything.

💥 I learned UI design.
💥 I learned how to do research (albeit not as rigorously as some may like).
💥 I learned information architecture.
💥 I learned how to write good copy.
💥 I learned how to deal with stakeholders.
💥 I learned strategy
💥 I learned systems thinking.

Personally, I think I benefited a ton from being a generalist.

But today is different.

In today’s market there *are* specialty career tracks. And you *can* make a career out of choosing to be a generalist or a specialist.

I honestly can’t tell you one is better than the other. That’s up to you to decide.

But this week, I had a great conversation with Laura Baker, a seasoned Design Leader and Global Design Director at Fearless about this debate. She shared some incredible insights.

🎯 Here are some key takeaways from our chat

1️⃣ Consider beginning your career as a generalist: Starting broad allows you to explore various roles within UX, see what you like, and find your strengths. This is especially beneficial in the current market, where versatility seems to be valued.

2️⃣ Early in your career “yes, and” every opportunity: Before nailing down exactly what you *do* want, it might be easier to determine what you *don’t* want. Explore as many opportunities as you can to find where your passion and skills converge.

3️⃣ Understand the market and be strategic: Depending on the maturity of the org and the industry, there might be a preference for specialists over generalists, or vice versa. Tailor your skillset and job search strategy to these nuances to improve your marketability.

4️⃣ Help your manager help you: Be clear about your career aspirations and find opportunities within your current role to explore. If considering contract work, understand the limitations and find external resources for learning and development to complement your on-the-job experience.

5️⃣ It’s a continuous reassessment, not a one-time thing: The generalist vs. specialist debate is something to consider throughout your career. Regularly assess your priorities and skillsets to make sure you're on the right path for you.


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This week’s sponsor is Mento Design Academy.

It’s not just about learning UX design; it’s about discovering your unique path in it. Their approach is different – it’s personal, it’s tailored to you. They don’t just teach; they inspire students to use their passions as a driving force in their learning. And that is something I’ve experienced firsthand as a mentor.

I’ve been fortunate enough to guide students who are exploring concepts they’re truly passionate about. It’s not just about following a curriculum; it’s about shaping that curriculum around what excites each student. This approach emphasizes not just knowledge, but a deep love for the discipline. Seeing my mentees grow, apply their passions, and craft portfolios that are genuinely ‘them’ has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career.

So, if you’re looking for a UX course that’s as unique as you are, check out Mento Design Academy. head on over to Just for my listeners, use the promo code BEYONDUX200 to get $200 off the course.

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Beyond UX Design Podcast

You're more than a designer, because there's more to UX than design

Beyond UX Design's mission is to give you the tools you need to be a truly effective UX designer by diving into the soft skills they won't be teaching you in school or a boot camp. These skills are critical to your success.

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