
Beyond UX Design Podcast

🧠 Did you forget how bad things really went? A closer look at the Faded Affect Bias

Published about 2 months ago • 5 min read

Fading Affect Bias

Negative emotions associated with past events tend to weaken faster than positive emotions. This bias significantly influences our behavior and decision-making in team settings, particularly in how we plan and assess risks.

One of the first studies showing the Fading Affect Bias (FAB) was done in 1932. In this study, people were asked to remember past events and how they felt about them. The results showed that people remembered the feelings from good events more strongly than those from bad ones.

Not only do the bad feelings disappear faster, but it also becomes harder to remember the bad experiences themselves. Some studies have shown that over time, there's a chance that the way we think about negative memories changes to more positive ones.

We all know the old saying “Time heals all wounds.” As time goes by, we look back on our experiences more favorably. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing to be sure. But it can have a negative impact when it comes to how we plan for the future.

If negative emotions fade faster than positive ones, we are likely to remember past projects and challenges more positively over time, even if there were significant challenges. This could lead to an overly optimistic outlook when planning for the future. We might underestimate the challenges or risks involved, and recall previous successes more vividly than struggles.

FAB can impair a team's ability to anticipate and plan for potential challenges or contingencies effectively. If the emotional impact of past challenges isn’t remembered well, we may overlook the need for contingency plans or fail to allocate enough resources to address potential setbacks.

As negative experiences fade, we may become overconfident or underestimate the consequences of risky decisions. This can lead to a false sense of invulnerability and might encourage excessive risk-taking behaviors.

🎯 Here are some key takeaways

1️⃣ Remember our perception is often skewed: Recognize that memories of past events may be skewed towards the positive. This can help us critically evaluate our experiences and decisions, ensuring a balanced perspective when planning and assessing risks.

2️⃣ Balance optimism with realism: While FAB can foster a positive team atmosphere, it's important to temper this optimism with realistic assessments of past failures and challenges to avoid underestimating future obstacles.

3️⃣ Encourage comprehensive debriefs: After project completion or resolving conflicts, conduct thorough debriefs that encourage honest feedback from all team members. This helps in capturing a full spectrum of perspectives, mitigating the selective memory effects of FAB.

4️⃣ Use documentation to maintain objectivity: Keeping detailed records of projects, decisions, and their outcomes can help us maintain an objective perspective when reviewing past actions and planning for the future.

5️⃣ Develop a pre-mortem process: Scenario planning can help the team explore a variety of possible futures, including best-case, worst-case, and most likely scenarios. By focusing on what could go wrong before it does, we can better prepare for risks without the bias of FAB clouding our judgment.


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