
Beyond UX Design Podcast

🎢 Buckle up and hold on to your hats! Unpacking the UX job market rollercoaster with Amy Santee

Published about 2 months ago • 7 min read

Amy Santee joins the show to dissect the current UX job market. We dig deep into the reasons behind the current instability and offer some insights about these uncertain times and how you might navigate the mess.

Is the UX job market as dire as it seems?

Today’s conversation hits close to home for many in the UX community. The job market, as it stands, can only be described as “challenging.”

My guest, Amy Santee, a career strategist and coach, sheds light on the current turbulence in the UX job market. We dissect the causes behind the turbulence, from economic pressures to technological shifts, and the impact of layoffs on both new designers and seasoned professionals.

Amy shared the staggering estimate that over half a million tech workers, including UX roles, have been laid off since mid-2022 – impacting big tech companies as well as contractors and employees everywhere. The reasons for layoffs are often vague and unhelpful.

Today, we explore the underlying factors contributing to the current state, including the role of AI, economic pressures, and the reality of job scarcity for both new designers and seasoned professionals in the field.

🎯 Here are some key takeaways from our chat

1️⃣ Find your priorities first: Understand what truly matters to you in your career and life. In times like these, knowing your priorities can guide your decisions and actions, whether that means focusing on financial stability, upskilling, or exploring adjacent opportunities.

2️⃣ Valid, reliable information is crucial: In a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) world, sourcing accurate and up-to-date information about the UX job market is vital. This knowledge helps you make informed decisions to avoid being influenced by rumors or fearmongering.

3️⃣ Recognize the grief of your lost teammates if you survived layoffs: For those still employed after a round of layoffs, acknowledging and processing the loss is important for your personal. It's okay to grieve, and doing that can help you move forward.

4️⃣ Adaptability is key: The job market is in flux, but opportunities still exist for those willing to adapt. This might mean broadening your skill set, considering roles in related fields, or being open to different types of jobs in the short term

5️⃣ Unionizing and collective action: “Union” is often a dirty word. You don’t have to be a communist or socialist to see the benefits of collective bargaining and how beneficial it can be for people who have very little control individually. It isn’t an easy conversation to have, but it can definitely be a longer-term strategy for improving conditions for tech workers.

Amy will answer your questions LIVE

If you have questions about the UX job market, you're in luck. We'll be hosting a live Q&A session on Friday, April 5 @ 2 pm Eastern.

We’ll tackle the hard truths about navigating layoffs, AI’s impact, the CEO disconnect, and the potential of unionization.

Get ready for a no-holds-barred discussion packed with practical advice whether you’re job hunting or still employed but worried.


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